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My name is ShaRonda Parker and I am pushing the envelope in the “Bible Belt”. I am known for my raw and uncut personality and my raunchy Youtube videos. I have been a Sexual Health & Wellness Specialist for over 12 years and I love to educate others about “turning up” in the bedroom and being sex positive. I am a trail blazer in the Adult Industry because I know the benefits of Sexual Health and Wellness. I have been married for 21 years to Spencer and we have three children. We have owned and operated our own store for 11 years. We have worked very hard to make The PPG Store the #1 Couples Store in Baton Rouge, LA. Because of the high demand for sex education The PPG Store offers a variety of classes throughout the year to help individuals become more knowledgeable about safety and sex. The PPG Store provides a friendly atmosphere so that individuals and couples can express themselves freely and live life on their own terms when it comes to Sexual Health & Wellness.
Take your sex life to the next level by purchasing your copy of CyberSex.
Cybersex is a book that is raw and uncut and it will answer question that most people are to afraid to ask concerning sex and relationships. This book will make you laugh but educate you all at the same time. “Cybersex” was birthed out of a sincere concern for the trouble many relationships encounter between spouses and dating partners. These are real life questions and real life answers.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/SharondaParker